Friday, 6 April 2012

Are you a Handbag Contents Hoarder?

So here is the scenario. You are in a supermarket, queueing up to pay for your goods. The lady in front of you is being served by the cashier. She promptly goes into to her handbag, locates her purse and pays for her shopping. It's now your turn to be served. You pack your bags while having idle chit chat with the cashier, yet try to be as quick as you can as a queue is forming behind you.  And then it happens. The cashier tells you the cost of your goods and that rash begins to flare up on your neck that only happens when you are nervous. You have to go into your bag and locate your purse. Yikes. Ok, "don't panic" you say to yourself as you trawl through the mountains of receipts, tissues, make-up and god knows what else has been residing in your bag for months on end. The lady behind you sighs, gets impatient and starts to look to the ceiling as you continue to rummage.  Not long after that you have success and you find your purse. Yes! You whip it out to pay and just then a stray unwrapped tampon that has been a lifelong bag dweller, gets caught onto your purse and lands right in front of the cashier. Great!

Some people may find this situation difficult to comprehend but for many people this is a reality.
So many us of carry around so much crap in our bags that we don't even need. When we go into our bags to find what we do need, it is such a difficult task as the stuff that we don't need takes over the whole bag!

My handbag would be 50% lighter if I got rid of a lot of the the useless stuff in there. Time after time I would tell myself that I will tackle my handbag and clear it out but this just normally seems to be put on the back burner.

Here are my main offending bag contents.

  • Tampons

Although useful to have in your bag they can be a nightmare when they become unwrapped and start to swim around in your bag like tadpoles!! They also seem to have a life of their own and can find their way out of your bag when you least expect it!!!

  • Tissues

It turns my stomach to think that I actually do this, but I often find stiff used tissues in my bag. How gross!

  • Receipts/Leaflets/Miscellaneous paper

This has got to be one of my worst offenders. I'm embarrassed to say how far back that my receipts go and as for other bits of unnecessary paper.............let's not go there!

Why do we hoard our handbag contents and why do we find it so difficult to clear out, organise and stay that way?

Can you relate to any of this? Are you a HCH or a recovering one?
I would greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions that I can share with anyone who will find it useful.

I have set my iPhone reminder to remind me to clear my bag out over next week. Wish me luck.................